I’m planning to buy my mother a pair of wireless headphones and the headphones i have in mind are

Sudio E2 (72 usd/66 euro/ 749 sek)

Sudio N2 Pro (48 usd/44 euro/499 sek)

and of course

Samsung buds 2 (91 usd/83 euro/ 949 sek)

forgot to metion she has a S23 that is why I’m leaning more to the buds 2

  • BagolyvagymiB
    10 months ago

    Buds2 100%. It works so well with a samsung phone that it is a delight to use it. I don’t know the age of your mother, but she wouldn’t have to deal with pairing problems and bluetooth issues with the buds2. It’s audio quality is outstanding to say the least