With rules favouring the offenses so heavily in the NFL, I believe that the intentional grounding penalty should come with an additional loss of down.

Meaning say it’s 3rd and 10, QB doesn’t get out of pocket, ball doesn’t get to line of drum mags, no receiver etc etc and he throws it away, i think it should be a dead spot foul, but the ball is now turned over to the opposing team. The 4th down should be nullified.

I think the defense should be rewarded for great coverage with additional pressure.

  • draculasbitchB
    10 months ago

    If you don’t want to see the glue for most teams go down with injuries then you should want to see intentional grounding eliminated. To balance that out allow defense contact ONCE within ten yards from the line of scrimmage and make PI a 15 yard penalty instead of the spot of foul.