As pointed out in this post, the ability to use the term “Negative” in chat wheel, similar to “Affirmitive” was removed for some reason. This has now been restored.

As pointed out in this post, the ability to Ctrl+Alt+click the clock to indicate Day or Night cycle was removed recently. This has also been restored.

I kindly request one more change to be made, as pointed out in this post. The cooldown for Ctrl+clicking any messages is too aggressive. I can only ping two things and then have to wait 10 whole seconds before I can ping something else.

I understand spam pinging a particular thing can be annoying and toxic, but if the same ping is being repeat multiple times, then it should be muted after 3 pings.

But if I want to ping 3 different things to indicate a particular action or move we should take, then it becomes almost impossible. Also, it does not seem to be affected by behaviour score. If I have low behaviour score, then I understand if this cooldown is applied.

As someone who gets flamed a lot because of bad quality mic, I don’t use mic and neither does anyone else in my region and server. I have found it pretty effective to use pings and chat wheels to get the job done. This recent cooldown has made that very difficult.