1. Introducing Champion Noelle’s childhood hasn’t been easy due to polar opposites, love and hate constantly battling in her mind. However she accepted and embraced it as she grew older. Even showcasing it with her appearance. Now she’s out here roaming cities, in hopes to teach everyone to accept themselves, cause we are just born this way.

  2. Taunt Joke Responses Laugh And Dance Taunt - I hate you so much that there’s just no space for love. Response - Aww I just love your little brag. Joke - We’re polar opposites just like my mind so i just have to hate you. Response - That was so lovely i just have to hate it. Laugh - Starts with real laugh that turn into annoyed laughter. Dance - Starts to do some forced moves but then actually enjoys and happily dances.

  3. Abilities Passive (Polar Opposites) - Click on champion to send a missile towards them. If there’s ally nearby, missile will be pink and creates little heart in middle of range. If hit enemy, they’ll be charmed for 1.5s… If there’s no ally nearby black missile will create little skull and fears enemy for same duration. It has 1min CD on each enemy.

Q (Love Hate Rope) - CD 20 to 14. 80 to 60 mana cost. Whips straight line with her jumping rope dealing adaptive damage (25% of AD + 25% of AP). Enemies will either be charmed or feared for 1s.

W (Hatred Unleashed) - CD 22 to 14s. 100% mana cost. Noelle looses all of her mana. All nearby allies gain (adaptive) AD or AP. For every 10 mana they gain 1 AD or AP. After 5s they loose bonuses and you gain half of lost mana.

E (Love Bounds Us) - CD 15 to 8s. 60 to 50 mana cost. Create bond between yourself and either ally or enemy. If you bound yourself with enemy you can recast to dash towards them, bringing nearest ally with you. Recasting when bound to ally will bring you and nearest enemy to them.

R (War Of Hearts) - CD 150 to 50s. 150 to 100 mana cost Releases pink and black waves that deal physical damage to enemies with lower Armour and magic damage enemies with lower Magic Resist. Either way damage is equal to 50% of AD + 50% of AP. Enemies will be either charmed if allies near have high hp or feared if allies have low hp. Both last 2s.

  1. Basic Attack Noelle has 300 range, deals adaptive damage equal to 100% of AP. If she has more than 150 AP she’ll deal 80% of AP instead. She attacks with jumping rope with black and pink colours.

  2. Stats Hp 500+50 per level. Hp Regen +2.7 (0.5 per level. Mana 300+45 per level. AD 50+5 per level. AP 30. Armour 25+3 pet level. Magic Resist 20+4 per level. Range 300. AS 0.65+0.5. MS 335+15 per level.