I recently picked up OW2 a few months ago, after dropping OW1 some years ago a game which I was an absolute fiend for. After shaking the rust off and gaining some understanding of the new game, I can say playing Overwatch is still a blast! But unfortunately coming to Reddit to post some dank clips,… all I find is copium levels are over 9000☹️ y’all either hating or complaining.

You cry abt one shots? Son, back in my day we had SCATTER ARROW. One shots are literally a mundane part of every shooter, and no matter how hard you cope DO require high skill to be successful, get used to them. It may not be easy, but they are SIMPLE to outplay.

Picking up OW2 I mained tank from a GOLD 4 placement to masters 3. I didn’t have a clue about meta or counters. I just played, learned, and didn’t pick orisa a single time because that’s gross. You have more than double the health of half the people on the battlefield, the best defensive abilities and vicious/easy af to use ultimates. GET IN THERE PAPA, BIG BOYS DONT CRY! You have the best chance of carrying out of anyone. Instead of sending us back to double shield, try using the wall right next to you as one!

And for those nasty support CD’s? You can always use… your brain! Y’all are complaining about supports that require high skill like Ana Kiri, bap when I know you’re still losing Moira 1v1s🤫 every support CD is outplayable no matter how annoying, and if you are consistently losing sup 1v1s as any other role… you need to assess brother. But life grip? That shits fucked up.

It’s like the voice of this whole community is the mf who picked up OW2 on gamepass for free and uses coalescence to DPS enemy tank. Yall will keep crying until we are playing COD with a full team of soldiers attached to immobile mercy’s that dragged around with only a heal stick, next thing you know soap from MW is the new hero and you sobbing that “chopper gunner on numbani is too op😭”.

This was meant to be insightful and encouraging, apologies if my opinions ruin your day.


  • Solid_Exercise6697B
    10 months ago

    I’m with you, but this community is for people who hate the game and just want to bitch and moan all the time. It’s kind of the cool thing to do these days. Either you play a shit ton of OW2 and bitch and complain or you make some grand post about quitting overwatch because of how bad it is, but still secretly play while bitching and moaning here.