Hi all!

Just interested in getting to know what routines look like for entrepreneurs outside of work and if they attribute some of their habits to their success. What I mean by this is, some people swear by methods like cold showers or morning routines or waking up early vs night owls and say that this helped them achieve their goals.

Additionally what are your hobbies? Do you play and strike deals over golf/tennis at the country club like they show in the movies? Or do you just continue to do whatever you were doing before becoming a successful entrepreneur?

I’m just curious about those who have built something substantial (I’d say achieving a few million in revenue is much harder than a few hundred k which could be done through hustle and a bit of know how I’m any small business like a restaurant or spa etc), hence the >$2M request although happy to hear from anyone with insight on this.


  • founderscurveB
    10 months ago

    i time block religiously, and ensure that all my counterparts have access to my calendar/ booking link, if its not scheduled, its de-prioritised. (this includes personal and family time)

    i workout 4 days a week, fri,sat,sun,mon, evenings - what that combo, its rare that on both a friday and a monday there’s over time, so it ensures i get at least 3 work outs a week. split is 2 days heavy lifting (deadlift, squat, bench, shoulder press) 2 days CrossFit.

    i paint (also in a small field someone else mentioned) in the evenings for about 1 hour, whilst having youtube/podcasts going to clear the brain before sleep.

    i have 30min before meeting starts to prep and align in the morning whilst drinking coffee, i skip breakfast and will eat a later lunch to fit with a intermittent fasting diet.

    when i shower i start with hot shower, end with cold (wimhoff)

    • GokuTheGOATOPB
      10 months ago

      That sounds great. I also find that I get extremely busy between commitments and all else so that calendar idea is genius. Digging the usage of the wimhoff method for the shower good to see someone on here is using one of these things (although appears to be the minority)

      • founderscurveB
        10 months ago

        Oh the wimhoff isn’t for anything more than cold tolerance; just like the fasting isn’t for anything more thank losing weight.