I’ve got the speakers I want identified, and probably the 2-channel power amp as well. However, I am trying to determine whether (or how much) I benefit from also getting the relatively costly pre-amp and streamer unit (costs as much as the power amp), versus putting the power amp behind my existing $500 Yamaha AVR with a $200 Nvidia Shield for the streaming. Obviously my old home theater amp can’t power the speakers on its own, so I know I have to do the speakers and the power amp together to get anywhere initially, but I’m then questioning why I can’t use what I already have for the ‘control’ and source aspect. Essentially, I’m struggling to conceptualize the value of the pre-amp & streamer unit over the existing AVR and Nvidia. Am I nuts or is that logical?

  • OpenRepublic4790B
    10 months ago

    I started out buying really cheap gear, sort of a learning phase I suppose. That includes buying different types of gear just to see what it sounds like, all relatively inexpensive (well under $1K each) Since, I’ve done both a few place-holder buys knowing I would be upgrading later, followed by replacing that gear with carefully considered choices intended to be end-game. A few items were carefully chosen from the start as end-game. I haven’t yet replaced any of my end-game choices.

    I went through 3 DACs, 4 power amps, 2 preamps, 2 phono pre’s, one streamer, one sub, one turntable & cart, and maybe a little surprising, but I still have my original speakers (not intended to be end game, but rather are homemade, but they just sound so good).