So, my phone forced itself to update although I didn’t want to since the recent updates have been horrendous to say the least, but this one I found an extremely strong dislike towards. I’ve always liked Samsung, although it’s updates we’re rather stupid and unreasonable at times, this one ticks me off the most. Why would they change the notification bar? It was fine the way it was. And don’t even get me started on the emojis. They look horrid. Also, changing the colors for copied things on the clipboard does not help at all. Neither does changing the back button. Or any of this update in this sense. I just dont like it that much and at this rate with all of these unreasonable updates im thinking of switching phones. PS: I was a fan of the update before this one. It looked completely fine. Why change it? It’s just adding more clutter and burning my eyes.

  • atulb7777B
    10 months ago

    The only thing i disliked was how accent colors changed text colors on settings and app colors(ex: samsung internet navigation bar colors). But i only wanted my quick settings colors to be updated, and it was a quick change from goodlock, so doesnt affect much.

    • casuallydyingggOPB
      10 months ago

      honestly i think my opinions changed slightly (I’ve gotten used to the notification bar and the new font, etc) i just don’t understand why they would change the emojis. they looked fine before. (also, it just looks a bit cluttered for me, that’s all)

      • atulb7777B
        10 months ago

        Font you can always update from settings under display. I personally use samsung sans downloaded fron the store and it looks the best imo. Also, i dont find the emojis cluttered, that may differ phone to phone.