I’m happy we’re getting more South American men (Manuel) and Asian men (Nick), but there are still some groups that seem to be ALWAYS male or ALWAYS female on this show. We’ve had countless women from the Philippines, but I would love to see a Philippino man marrying an American. Also, so many women from Columbia and Brazil, yet no men from these countries. Except Jose on the UK series. I would also love to see women from the Middle East/North Africa, we’ve seen a lot of men from these countries but never a woman. We’ve also had a few Indian men, but no Indian women just yet. What are some others you’d like to see?

  • happyendingtonightB
    1 年前

    I’ve noticed this too. I think it’s because a lot of these groups are heavilyyyy fetished by Americans unfortunately. Ukrainian, Colombian (or more generally Latina), Brazilian, Filipina women and African and middle eastern men come to mind. Like others said, they probably take what they can get