with all the outrage around the champions going lately, why no one talks about how ad sion has been killed?

Thebausffs realization about ad sionThebausffs realization about ad sion

NERFS (20):

- Base health cost per tick increased (V13.9)

- Base mana increased, Mana growth increased (V12.23)

- Cooldown on Soul Furnace increased (V11.3)

- Base magic resistance reduced (V11.1)

- Decimating smash minimum base damage reduced (V9.3)

- Base health regen reduced (V8.20)

- Decimating smash base damage and AD ratio reduced (V8.8)

- Shield strength health ratio and reactivation delay on Soul Furnace increased (V5.8)

- Decimating smash damage to monsters reduced, Roar of the Slayer projectile bonus and total damage reduced (V5.6)

- Health regen growth reduced, Health decay increased (V4.20)

- Base health regen reduced, Armor growth reduced (V9.21)

- Soul Furnace shield health ratio reduced (V12.10)

- Glory in Death dmg against structures reduced (V12.9)

- Glory in Death health decay changed (V4.20)

- Damage to structures reduced in Glory in Death (V12.9)

- Health decay in Glory in Death increased (V5.23)

- Damage to turrets in passive changed (V9.15)

- Health decay increased in passive (V5.1)

- Health regen growth reduced (V4.20)

BUFFS (16):

- Base health increased (V12.10, V9.16, V13.1)

- Damage increased on Decimating Smash (V13.1)

- Minimum base damage increased on Decimating Smash (V12.23)

- The server no longer accepts attack commands during the Unstoppable Onslaught (V12.16)

- No longer prevented from casting Soul Furnace after Decimating Smash (V12.14)

- Health growth increased (V12.10)

- Base health increase (V12.10, V11.19, V9.16, V11.13, V7.16)

- Base magic resistance increase (V12.10)

- Armor growth increased (V12.10)

- Base attack damage increased (V7.22)

- Base armor increased (V7.22, V12.10)

- Base health regen increased (V7.14)

- Shield strength health ratio on Soul Furnace increased (V6.6, V5.5)

- Decimating smash minimum AD ratio increased (V5.8)

- Soul Furnace bonus health on enemy kill increased (V7.16, V5.5)