I started really watching Raptors games with my dad about 9 years ago, when I was around 14, and have enjoyed watching them for most seasons up until last season and now this season of course. I remember LeBronto and and hated it, but could enjoy most of the regular season up until playoffs. My question is to the older fans who are in their 30s and watched the pre-Demar/Kyle era. I’ve watched a couple older games on YouTube, but hard to get a grasp on the overall season when I was barely a teen when it was happening.

Was this team ever as frustrating to watch as they are now? I know they’ve been worse overall, but being stuck in the middle with no sense of direction is so frustrating. If yes, please feel free to shares some stories of darker days 😅

  • centerofstarB
    10 months ago

    Man do I remember the good old times when our best player is freaking Andrea Bargnani. It was a sheer hopeless endeavour until Kyle and Demar rose up to help usher in a brand new era winning. While this year is frustrating when it comes to progress and direction, nothing compares to the dark ages of 2010-2013 and god knows whats in store for mid 2000s era when Carter left