Trying to get out of Iron, hardstuck Iron 1 right now. Currently duo maining Jhin and Caitlyn since they nuke botlane and in doing so I can (hopefully) prevent the support from feeding. But I always get people who are level like 40 on my team or people who have never ranked that flame like crazy when I do so much as ping them (I don’t use chat unless I absolutely have to) or are just not good.
I get it, some of them new and thus, they aren’t gonna be good. Others are nearing level 1000 and are 0/2 by the time minions reach lane.
I keep getting told “if you’re good enough you can carry”, but that’s the thing. I used to float between plat and gold years ago on a different account. This time it’s a traight to Iron 3 for me. Every game (OPGG is SHAC00MER if you think I’m exaggerating) I’m going pretty positive, often being at a solid like 4/1 around 12 minutes, but I’ll have two teammates that are 0/10 and the enemy team just starts 4 man diving me till my towers gone. Hell yesterday I had a Xin mid who had 4 CS at 8 minutes.
And you’d think “hey, if they’re all down there that means your team can get objectives”. Yea, if only. That lack of communication in Iron is painful. Jungle will just start Baron alone while top is backing and mid is running down to bot so they can 1v4 at the dragon we’re about to not get. Support is perpetually dead because they insist Lux is the best option cause “she does hella damage”. We’ll finally win a team fight, I’ll spam ping an objective yet two people back with full health and jungle goes to get his red buff. Their top that’s 3 levels ahead will be diving me while my top goes to get scuttle then teleports bot after I’m already dead.
Then on top of all this, I’m coin flipping whether or not half my team is even sober, because it’s iron so who gives a shit. It reminds me of when I worked fast food in high school: seeing people who are so painfully bad at everything they do that you don’t want to ever be like them, yet here I am stuck with them.
Yes, it’s a rant, but I’m serious, idk what to do anymore. I have some emerald friends that I have watch my games and their commentary consist of “what the fuck is (teammate) doing” and just laughing the whole time watching my team try to do anything. One literally said I’m just cursed by Riot. Do I seriously just need to keep coin flipping every single game till I randomly get to Bronze? It’s exhausting spending 30 minutes a game just to watch their team slowly whittle away at our base because I have 2 teammates worth less than cannon minions telling me to kill myself after I ping them to back off
Just play strong split pushers, take tp, a sweeper, and a couple pink wards and use the rooaming deathsquad to your advantage. Always be opposite of them on the map. If they’re missing and there’s no objective up, then back off until they show themselves. More often than not they’re just looking for anyone to show up on the map so show yourself, back off, see how they respond, and if they keep shoving away or chasing kills, then you keep on splitting.
I climbed out of low elo by splitting with Vayne/Kai sa/Tristana. So, siegers WITH an escape tool.