quoted from his stream today:

"LPL tryouts? There aren’t even spots for me to tryout in the LDL. I really can’t do it anymore. I no longer have the desire to play competitively (the word he used literally means ‘fight’), that desire has been defeated by reality. ‘Just practise more if you suck’? I can’t get back to where I need to be regardless of how much I practise, I took too long of a break. "

“I really can’t handle professional play anymore. We train for at least 12 hours a day, even 15 hours a day is considered normal. It’s really hard to take. Maybe other leagues have it easier, but the training schedule in LCK and LPL is really tough. If I don’t train to that level I can’t catch up. But if I train to that level my body/health can’t catch up.”