Hi guys,

I’m a new driver here(US) but I have had experience from when I was 12 in India (I’m 16 now). I normally go fine on local roads. The way I drive on the highway has me questioning this.

Here’s how I drive:

I get into the left-most lane

I do at least 70 mph (depends on the flow of traffic if I go faster or slower) (I will try to flash my lights first someone did that to me and I moved over)

I’ll pass on the right if the person in front is going slow and holding up the traffic behind them (me and other cars)

I change lanes more than the average person (I check the rearview mirror, side mirror, and my blind spot every time I switch)

If there is no one in front of me I speed up to 80 or 90 mph and I catch up to the next group of cars

This is a general list of how I drive on the highway. Is this being reckless?

  • howmanymenkissB
    10 months ago

    tbh, it’s how most people drive. i would not advise going fast enough that you are actively speeding past cars next to you for two reasons: police & if they want to merge over, they may not look correctly and go in front of you when ur going 15 faster than they r. I always aim to stay in the 70-75 range while i’m driving, and i find this to end up somewhere within the middle lanes.