I’m perfectly happy with my 512gb and feel no need to upgrade. If you’re buying a new Steam Deck and have the money, it makes 100% sense to buy the OLED version. But upgrading for the sake of upgrading when you are perfectly happy with the LCD version before the OLED announcement is just wasteful consumerism.

All these posts are screaming LOOK AT MY NEW THING THATS BETTER THAN THE OLD THING!!! Yeah duh, the new Macbook is also better than the 2 year old model. Do we need 1000 posts comparing the upgraded one to the older one?

Just my little rant. I’m pretty close to unsubscribing from this subreddit that I’ve joined sinced I bought the deck at launch. Comparsion is the thief of joy. I like my older model and I dont need to spend more money for a better one. Keep it in the OLED megathread.

  • Revolutionary-Use278B
    10 months ago

    I do see a flood of comparison posts but they are nowhere as bad as the glossy vs etched posts. I just keep scrolling past. No need to click on them lol.