So I’ve been thinking a lot about how Travis says he’s thought a lot about retirement and has had numerous surgeries over the years, and it’s made me think we’re gonna need a reliable guy to take his place once his time is up. He’s getting up there in age and the work load he’s had for so many years might get to him at some point. So who of the two names listed would you rather have to work alongside him in preparation of them taking over fully for him?

Ben Sinnott is a very reliable pass catcher who has very great hands, field reads, and route running abilities. He also has amazing strength in avoiding being taken down similar to Gronk. He’s also relatively fast as well. He’s also only 21 years old.

Brevyn Spann-Ford doesn’t get the ball as a receiver nearly as much as Sinnott does, however Spann-Ford is significantly bigger than Sinnott (Sinnott is 6’4 and 245, whereas Ford is 6’7 and 270). Ford doesn’t get the ball as much, however he blocks seemingly much more than Sinnott.

However despite Ford being a better blocker, is that the first thing that comes to mind considering the Chiefs have a pass heavy offense, which Sinnott would fit right into. Then again, Ford is a lot bigger and still has decent hands, but size doesn’t always matter.

So if you had to pick 1 of these guys, who would you rather have?

  • jethead70B
    10 months ago

    Our Kelce “replacement” is going to be a wide receiver unless we just get super lucky again. Tight ends that are actual difference makers are rare in the NFL and they take forever to develop.