Hi everyone,

I’m continuously on a path of self-improvement. That being said I have seen many people I look up to suggest lists of books to read and SWEAR by them as a source of personal improvement.

I love reading and have no problem with reading all the books on these lists.

That being said, I was wondering if from experience they are super useful simply by reading, if you absorb the lessons and advice as you read. I don’t have a lot of extra time and mental capacity (full time student + work) and I’m worried that after reading these books they won’t be that useful without essentially studying them the same way you would a textbook.


  • StarkAndRoboticB
    10 months ago

    The persons more likely to benefit from self help books are often the least likely to read them, and the ones who least need them are often more likely to to read them. Sometimes in life the problem is the person, and not their situation, but sometimes the problem is the environment or situation, and there is really nothing wrong with the person - the same person may succeed in a different environment.

    Thats life. One shouldn’t generalise about self help books - some are useful, others aren’t. But you can probably get good results through introspection and interaction either way people more.