Almost anything you want. You could buy a business currently generating revenue and get an almost instant return. Or you could invest in other things. If I had that much, I’d look into trading bots in the crypto and forex markets. They require little skill to set up, but they will be in a period of drawdown some of the time.
So I would suggest a mix of both, find an online business where you can negotiate price or terms and then once that is running smooth look into other stuff or support whatever you buy with another business acquisition.
Almost anything you want. You could buy a business currently generating revenue and get an almost instant return. Or you could invest in other things. If I had that much, I’d look into trading bots in the crypto and forex markets. They require little skill to set up, but they will be in a period of drawdown some of the time. So I would suggest a mix of both, find an online business where you can negotiate price or terms and then once that is running smooth look into other stuff or support whatever you buy with another business acquisition.