Michael Irvin’s football reference page: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/I/IrviMi00.htm

  • 1988: 14 games, 32 catches, 654 yards, 5 TDs
  • 1989: 6 games, 26 catches, 378 yards, 2 TDs
  • 1990: 12 games, 20 catches, 413 yards, 5 TDs

He was a former #11 overall pick at the time and I feel like any 1st rounder putting up those numbers would get lambasted. Was this the sentiment back then before he became a HOFer?

  • AngrySteelyDanFanB
    11 months ago

    Something else to keep in mind, in 1990 there was 10 wide receivers in the whole league that had over 1000 yards. Last year, if I counted right, it was 22 receivers over 1000 yards. Stats are definitely more inflated in the modern game.