We have issues with rubber-banding in games and sudden spikes in Ping. Often games will kick us. Anything requiring constant connection will lose it multiple times during the day. Speed can still register at or above what we pay for (50 Mbps) but can also fluctuate wildly. We have around 9 devices (including Chromecast and iPhones etc) connected but not all in active use at once.

In trying to get the ISP to help they requested every kind of ping plotter and trace route I can provide. Ping plotter shows a 100% packet loss at the last hop to the ISP. Could this be the reason for our issues? I have tried to get them to explain how this is OK but as yet nothing. The technical team has has said there’s no issue and nothing to fix.

This is a recent example of a command prompt ping (I manually stopped it as it otherwise runs non-stop):

PING iinet.net.au ( 56 data bytes Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 Request timeout for icmp_seq 1 Request timeout for icmp_seq 2 Request timeout for icmp_seq 3 Request timeout for icmp_seq 4 Request timeout for icmp_seq 5 Request timeout for icmp_seq 6 Request timeout for icmp_seq 7 Request timeout for icmp_seq 8 Request timeout for icmp_seq 9 Request timeout for icmp_seq 10 Request timeout for icmp_seq 11 Request timeout for icmp_seq 12 Request timeout for icmp_seq 13 Request timeout for icmp_seq 14 Request timeout for icmp_seq 15 Request timeout for icmp_seq 16 ^C