It seems like posts that echo this asinine sentiment have died down after what happened on Sunday but I still see people blaming Geno and wanting him out. Things along the lines of “Geno has regressed recently and his decision making has become concerning” for example seem like a popular sentiment still. I am aware Geno is getting older so a replacement is definitely needed in the future but where it stands, Seattle does not have the draft capital to get a top prospect this year. Geno is the guy for the next few years and people asking for him to be moved out are being insanely entitled and flat out ignorant to the real issues plaguing this team.

The standard placed on Seattle quarterbacks is one of the most insane I have ever seen and this comes from how spoiled most were with Russ. Even in Wilson’s final season, people were calling for the same bullshit they are now with Geno but the problem with Wilson was never his ability; He just did not fit in with the style of football Seattle was moving towards. Additionally and more importantly, Wilson’s “regression” was mainly caused by poor coaching and inconsistencies on the o-line. The latter being the big issue many talked about at the time. Moreover, Wilson’s massive contract was not team friendly and did not allow for the team to go out and draft cornerstone players to build a complete team. Wilson’s time in Seattle needed to come to an end but it was not due to him being a bad player at all. Geno has a very team friendly contract so as opposed to Wilson, they can easily build around him.

It appears that there’s a pattern developing here yet people will still blame the QB first and call for a replacement before addressing the main issue. The o-line has played very inconsistent this year and have given up a lot of pressure. Geno’s injury on Sunday was literally caused by shitty pass protection. This was not the first time we saw shitty pass protection being the cause for Geno’s bad decision making either.

Geno is still that guy and people have to realize he wins games for this team. Seattle’s lost to the Bengals can be blamed on Geno for not scoring TDs on 3 of their trips to the redzone but that is just horseshit. Dumbass, unimaginative playcalls were the death of the team in that game. Same story for this Rams game. Otherwise, Geno has been playing solid this year and has given this team formable opportunities to win games. I will acknowledge one thing and that is at times, when the pocket collapses, Geno has tried to play hero ball (similar to Russ back in the day) and has led to bad decisions and outcomes. Being more disciplined in these situations is something Geno has to work on but this is true for this entire fucking team. For example, DK needs to use his hands instead of trying to catch the ball with his body, K9 should limit negative yard runs trying to get out around the edge, and the entire fucking defense needs to stop committing dumbass penalties. A great example was on Sunday when Woolen committed a hands to the face on a fucking 3rd and long which would’ve set up a relatively new kicker for a longer field goal shot. But you hear no one saying to bench Woolen over that. Or Witherspoon for his questionable DPI or bodyslam 15 yard penalty. It seems like Geno is the only one deserving of harsh criticism after poor plays but the other stars don’t get the same heat. More to the point, why do we not shit on Woolen for being a terrible tackler? His miss tackles are a problem that give up first downs and large gains at times. I think we should bench him and start Michael Jackson. This is the exact same moronic logic some of you are using when saying to bench Geno for Lock.

Wait until Geno is gone and we are left with the Drew Lock’s of the NFL to lead the way. Take a look at other teams and realize how good we have it with Geno. Geno still outperforms half the fucking starters in this league and this attitude of “Geno has regressed and has played poor” is such room temperature IQ behavior. The only other QB I have seen get this similar treatment is Dak and that is expected from a fan base that huffs paint daily. Sadly it seems like this fanbase is on the same wavelength as them which honestly doesn’t surprise me. This team is deserving of a lot of criticism but the fact that the conversation seems to mainly revolve around Geno is so frustrating and pathetic.

To those who still feel like Geno needs to be replaced, what exactly is the plan? How will Seattle get enough draft capital to obtain a top 5 pick to get a top QB prospect? Or do you suggest we trade for another QB? If so, who would you suggest? Or do we just ride with Drew Lock, have 2 miserable seasons of going 2-15 and rebuild again? Geno has put this team is such a fortunate situation where this rebuild has not taken even a whole season. In a literal sense, Geno has saved this team from being poverty for these last 2 seasons…

tl;dr: Get the fuck off Geno’s dick and stop being entitled brats who expect the QB to play fucking perfect on every rep. There are bigger issues holding this team down and Geno’s “regression” stems mostly from these other problems.

  • Flamingrain231B
    10 months ago

    Wtf do you mean a corner’s job isn’t to tackle??? What???