Yes the line sucks. Half the league’s line sucks. Yes Howell holds on to the ball too long. He’s basically a rookie and EB is calling plays that take too long to develop. Yes the receivers aren’t getting open. EB has Howell throwing 40+ times each game. A good playcaller runs plays that maximize his current roster. We should be calling quick hitters, RPOs, and establishing the run with play action. The defenders can just peel their ears back and come for the qb. DCs can call blitzes knowing they have no threat of an effective counter attack. EB can mitigate our lack of talent but he chooses not to.

  • reddit4neB
    11 months ago

    Alright enough. I get and got frustrated with EB too in the last couple games with the lack of serious effort to establish the run game.

    But, this is too much piling on to EB. I am far from giving up on EB here, and you’re just being reactionary if you are.

    He’s got a young QB and a bad O-line, and he’s figuring out how to play with them. Still, up until last week, the Offense was clearly the better side of the ball, and had improved pretty vastly from last year. They looked aggressive, they attacked the deep part of the field, and they made good halftime adjustments. We havent been able to say that since K. Shanahan was here.

    In half a season of work, they went from absolute rock bottom in the league, to at least being average. They were taking clear steps forward, and youd have to be blind not to see that.

    Last week was really the first game that I think the offense cost us the game. Up until then, its been the defense shitting the bed, while the offense kept us in games.

    So chill. Lets hope last week was an anomaly. head coach, and EB is actually our best coach.