I am male(27) from Slovakia. Finished my masters degeee at 23, 4 years working as IT automation testing engineer. Hobby is music, producing. I have always been that fierce force that was trying to find a way to get my success but here I am failing. I just cannot find a niche which would stand test of time. I was wondering if producing would be a good idea but I can imagine making more money in other businesses. I can get around 500€ per client in producing but it can take 2 - 4 weeks of work alongside my fulltime job which is not meeting my criteria. What is your advice? Pick up a skill and try to build a business around that? Here in slovakia atleast locally it is oversaturated with producers + I am working with non popular genres.

Thank you

  • travelguy23B
    10 months ago

    Just try some things. Experiment. Don’t try to find some perfect side hustle before starting. Once you start, one thing can lead to another and you might find opportunities that you wouldn’t have seen otherwise.

    Here are some of my side hustles over the last couple of decades…


    My ecoomerce store made me $500k but I started selling in ebay hoping to make $3,000 year. It gradually mophed into a successful ecommerce store. If I’d been looking for a more lucrative side hustle from day 1, I’d never have started selling on ebay. So, just experiment.