If you are really motivated to put in the work and do something with your time to grow a business then what are some opportunities that allow you to turn $500 into $1000?

Probably not in one shot but I’m curious hear your answers. Does it exist? I’m not looking to get rich overnight but has anyone had success putting in the work to make it happen?

How did you do it and what changes did you have to implement in your business to keep things going? Are you constantly growing over time? What’s holding you back from the next stage? What are you reading currently? Do you have a coach or mentor in your circle?

  • Whole-SpiritualB
    10 months ago

    I started a company for $0 that makes more than anything I’ve ever done.

    I wouldn’t take $500 and say what can I make with it. I would say, “what’s something I can build now where I can get traction without capital outlay?”

    For example, I’m in the tech business and we sell people’s solutions for them. We are good at it…we charge a lot for this service. We partner with companies and we have them pay monthly retainers to pay for our sales labor. We collect $, then 45 days later pay people. That’s free float. $0 cost. We have a handful of these. It’s floated the while business.

    Day 1 $0 cash or revenue

    Day 60 $60K monthly retainers signed

    Day 90 $100K in monthly retainers signed and we had paid out $42K so far on $160K collected, all recurring

    Then it kept going, fast. Then commissions rolled, then it ran up quickly. We will be over $10MM this year and it makes money

    Take bigger swings and make a bigger impact. You don’t need a lot. Also, you can raise $, it’s easier than you think but you want to create traction first.