Just had a game where our midlaner took like 4 cs from toplaner and broke his freeze because he got angry that said toplaner did not move to a skirmish, that tilted the guy so much that he went afk and then ran it down for basically the rest of the game, he was completely ahead in cs and xp before, i am not sure who i am more angry with

  • JQKAndreiB
    1 year ago

    Going afk/running it isn’t good…

    But breaking a freeze is arguably one of the most tilting things anyone can do. Like, dude is carefully setting up a wave however he wants it, and you’re like “YO LET ME MESS THAT UP FOR YOU”.

    And in some situations breaking a freeze means your laner is going to die 30-60s later. Maybe he wanted to farm next 2 waves near tower waiting for TP cooldown, or flash, or ult.

    Eve if you’re ahead as a top laner, lane can still do a complete 180° under some circumstances.

    Imagine your top laner just used all sums + ult to kill the enemy top, and the enemy didn’t use anything.

    If your top is caught with a shitty wave state without sums or ult, he can definitely lose a 1v1 no matter if he killed the guy 3 times already. Toplane is very volatile.

    Going afk/running it down isn’t good (most of the time)