When was it the first time you have ever traveled alone and how did you felt? Did it exceed your expectations? I have been contemplating doing a solo trip but never really had the guts to do it. I have mildly severe social anxiety and I think that’s preventing me from really doing it. Thanks

  • zurrkatB
    10 months ago

    I did a lot of little trips on my own but my first big one was backpacking Southeast Asia for 3 months on my own. I did it after college so kind of just jumped right into the big-time solo travel world.

    As someone with social anxiety myself, here are my thoughts:

    • You don’t have to start big. I tell my friends who are nervous about solo travel to start small - go on a day trip near your hometown by yourself, then maybe a weekend trip, and then maybe a domestic trip before diving into an international backpacking trip if that would make you feel better.
    • You don’t have to be social! I alternate between hostels and airbnbs. I usually avoid party hostels because that’s just too much. Even at hostels, sometimes I’ll pull the curtain and just not talk to anyone. I’m not saying hostels aren’t tough for us socially anxious people but there’s ways around it.
    • One of the best “cures” for my social anxiety was traveling solo. Building the confidence to interact with different types of people and travel on my own has helped me to fight my social anxiety at home. I am so so so thankful that I discovered it. And I did it just by doing it. That first trip I had some REALLY hard days, and I still have them, but the impact on my overall improved quality of life is tremendous.