Hi all, I created a quick side project mainly as a way to self-educate on the bubble.io platform. I previously used Adalo and found bubble to be more flexible, although the UX is a bit more confusing.

The side project is a golf trip itinerary generator “powered” by AI. It makes a simple call to openAI that takes a few user inputs (location and travel dates) and combines it with a prompt that gets passed to openAI. The output is the itinerary.

Let me know what you think! www.golftripsplanner.com. Very basic functionality for now - planning to add more functionality and improve the UX as I continue to learn the platform. I’m hoping to also use this as an avenue to learn more about AI and LLMs so that I can possibly tweak and tune a model that is much more targeted for golf and travel. TIA

  • bennywithaplanOPB
    10 months ago

    Thank you! I think enhancing the AI model is what will really make this stand out, but of course will be the hardest part for me to learn.