I would turn Widow into a tactical off angle stealth sniper:

  • No longer one shots 200hp heroes. Needs 3 body shots or two shots with at least 1 headshot (175 DMG)

  • Zoom magnification reduced

  • Grapple cool down reduced.

  • No longer needs to charge shots (effective fire rate increased)

  • venom mine travel and deployment time sped up and lighting while deployed greatly reduced.

  • grapple can now be aimed manually if you hold the button down to attach to any targeter surface/enemy

  • new passive: wall cling. Can cling to a wall while holding jump. Works with new grapple to cling to mostly anywhere. Can scope in and fire while clinging.

  • new passive: octocamo. After remaining immobile for 3 seconds she turns invisible. Moving, attacking or scoping in will cancel it.

  • new ult: venom bomb. Throws a smoke bomb that reduces enemy vision in its area and also poisons.

  • Valuable_Nose_4693B
    1 year ago

    Not to bad of a rework but a few things

    1. Keep the charge of her sniper but drastically speed up charge similar to hanzo bow maybe a tiny bit slower

    2. Get rid of venom mine ability keep it as her new ult and replace it with a limited thermal vision that only she can see the enemies and only once they get close enough should help with sombra making widow worthless

    3. For her new passive rather then full invisibility make it like it’s name camo that she will start to blend in to the background like a chameleon but she can still be seen kinda of like the halo invisibility also let her aim during it but her gun doesn’t charge until after she drops camo