At some point we have to have a conversation around August’s champ designs. Quite baffling that she’s allowed to exist in this state. 53% wr in plat + with 39% banrate. Nobody enjoys playing against this Gen V’d Master Yi+Warwick but every nerf seems to be a wrist tap.

  • Rave_Master_AhriB
    1 year ago

    It’s even worse than that. Riot nerfed her at first because Lethality was insanely broken on her (and still is super strong) so they kept nerfing her to bring Lethality up on par with Bruiser.

    But here is the problem…they actually nerfed Bruiser, Lethality rn is the only viable option on her. Stridebreaker and Goredrinker has gone under 50% winrate (was 53-52% before). They actually did the complete opposite of what they tried to achieve.