Title says it all. So a little background I’m currently working on getting my setup complete last year I upgraded from bookshelf to floor standing speakers however since then I have built my own subwoofers using a um18-22 however these are sealed and the accuracy of them is phenomenal especially when compared to ported subs like the two monolith plus I had before, now I need some speakers to match in with them I’m currently using monitor audio silver 500 7g they are great speakers they just don’t sound right when I get down near the ports tune it goes all muddy and I am yet to hear a pair of ported speakers that don’t cuff when down near there tune, so I want to move over to sealed as they seem to be better for accurate reproduction of the sound being received. I’ve been hunting for months but yet all floor standing speakers seemed to be ported am I going to have to DIY it and make my own or does someone on here happen to know of where I can purchase some sealed floor standing or old school design(like lintons) that can be purchased in the UK?

  • UKJuniorCSOPB
    1 年前

    Yeah got a guy coming round on Saturday to help me look at room treatment as my room does love to gain on the low end and a lot aswell I think naturally I’m 10db up at 15hz when compared to 200hz. It mainly the highs I want him for though as they just seem to start dying off at 5khz and are like 10db at 20khz when compared to 5khz.

    Yeah as the port does add around 3db on average to a note it tuned to thus helping you get a natural harman curve in your room. However when you got two 18s and two 21s in the making porting them just ain’t a option, the box would be humongous and the port would be way too long to make sure it plays low enough as from my understanding you don’t want to play a ported speaker below it ports tune. I have to agree with an old saying “there truly is no replacement for displacement” sealed is always the way to go.