I’ve found myself rereading invincible once again. It is one of my favorite comicbooks ever, and with comicbooks being my favorite medium for fiction that means that it is one of my favorite works of fiction period. Yet I feel like the show so far is an improvement on those first 30 issues.

This show somehow the most faithful adaptation of a comicbook I’ve seen to date, whilst also scrambling the order of many many plot points and changing the dynamics of many characters. Amber and William have been reworked completely, yet I feel like they’ve only been improved. Cecil started working with Mark way earlier, and was actually involved in the battle against Nolan. Robot makes his new body way earlier. There is way more time between the murder of the Guardians and the fight against Nolan, some plot points happen way earlier. These changes are obviously made so that they can compress the story down a bit and give us more character building early on, But I feel that it has mostly worked out for the better so far.

  • zoon_politikon_B
    1 年前

    Yeah and cut a lot too I miss Brit. All the GDA and director Slitter Lore. Nothing about tech Jacket yet…at least geldarians confirmed. I miss the alien world invasión & fusion kid. Also Omnipotus… The Kirkmanverse team up wont fit.

    • Cry_Piss_Shit_CumOPB
      1 年前

      It is true that they do cut a lot of cool stuff. That is the negative side of it being in this 8x45 minute format. Whilst I think the core characters and interactions between them do gain a lot from it, we do lose out on a lot of fun stuff.