Problem: The challenge of getting a comprehensive introduction to a new field in a fun and engaging way.


We recognize that many people are eager to explore different subjects, develop their curiosity, and gain an overview of various fields. However, traditional methods (online courses, videos, etc.) often fall short in terms of making this process fun and exciting.

Our mission is to provide a unique solution that combines the thrill of discovery with educational value, allowing individuals to dive into new fields, develop their interests, and spark their curiosity, all in a fun and exciting way.


We will provide a series of physical products: Themed deck of cards, flipbooks, card games, board games, photo books for different educational fields. We are starting with these 5 categories of products and will expand in more categories with time.

Proof of concept:Solution:

We made themed deck of cards and flip books in the field of rocket science and space science. All of them were launched on Kickstarter where it received 3X funding with 1000+ backers. Post Kickstarter we were able to sell to additional 2000+ customers.

Customer Demographic:

Based on the data received from customers and marketing efforts, we have identified three distinct customer segments.

  1. Primary Customer: Curious Minds — People who wish to fuel their curiosity in a different field, or wish to get an overview of a field in which they are not already working or studying.
  2. Secondary customer: Enthusiasts — People who love that field, who spend a lot of time in the field. They are either experts or extremely passionate about the field.
  3. Tertiary customer: Parents — The parents who love that field and wish to introduce that field to their children age 12+.

Initially, we will be targeting English-speaking people in the USA and Europe.

Go-to-market Strategy

Launching each product on Kickstarter, which serves a triple purpose:

  • Ensuring steady cash flow,
  • Meeting factory minimum order quantities, and
  • Gauging demand for specific products and categories.

Once we fulfill our Kickstarter commitments, we will directly sell the products through our website, utilizing a combination of Facebook ads, influencer marketing, content marketing, and a referral program to attract more customers and expand our online presence.

Future Expansion Strategy

Primary expansion strategy is to bring new fields (engineering, science, arts, sports, law, business etc.)

Secondary expansion strategy is to create successful categories in different languages.

Key Insights:

  • There are very few educational games for adults OR in 12+ category.
  • Tabletop games, flipbooks, photobooks, etc have survived for decades. They are still thriving despite digitization, presence of online games, and edutainment channels.
  • Completion rate of online courses is less than 10%


Feel free to ask any further questions to know more details. Aiming to launch in February 2024.

  • raj-arjitOPB
    11 months ago

    Which link? I didn’t put any link in my post.