Gold on console is Gold on PC. This argument of console being worse is delusional, and at times it feels like *certain people* (and I mean *certain people*, not everyone) only say it to feel better about their rank because they are insecure. Like let’s use our critical thinking skills. Is it really crazy to think someone who has never used mnk in their life would be bad at mnk? Is it crazy to think that someone who doesn’t use a controller would be bad at using a controller? Both players would obviously be lower ranked because they have to relearn everything with new peripherals. The sad part is that console gm players have won against PC gm players multiple times in Jay3’s tournaments. But no one cares. We shouldn’t have stupid arguments about who is better. Why can’t we just be nice to each other?

  • PresenceOld1754OPB
    10 months ago

    They are the same. Mnk and xim are not the same. You are describing xim.