When people get angry and embarrassed, they go to the easiest, quickest and conventional route without explaining anything in detail.

Unwilling to look at uncomfortable truths.

At this point in the season, teams are allowed to put together a game plan, and scout based on previous games. We aren’t exactly a brand new virgin team in 2023.

Other teams see which pieces that need to get plucked that causes the Jenga tower to fall. They can crack the code to see what turns you into a terrible piece of shit. They then do it over, and over, and over.

Jack Campbell and Branch turned back into rookies. A lot of things happened… and yes… they got naturally exposed over games.

Overall, it’s not a very good defense, and teams can learn how pick them apart. The Lions have played horrendous the last 7 of their last 8 quarters.

Magical season? It’s a team that has played with a lot of heart. They are probably more like a .500 team that used that heart to barely get over the edge. It wears down, though.

Here is a game plan. Put pressure on Jared Goff and his abilities rapidly decline. Take the risk and do it waaaay more than average in your game plan. It has been working for other teams. He gets wild, panics and throws picks.

  • BlutargB
    10 months ago


    Since week 7, when they played the Ravens, the Lions defense ranks:

    • 31st in defensive success rate
    • 32nd in defensive EPA per play
    • QBs average time to throw is over 3 seconds
    • 18.8% explosive pass rate (so they’re basically turning every pass attempt into the Dolphins)