I’m British, living in Poland but i’ve flirted with the idea of following the NBA several times over the years (I used to play basketball in my youth).

I’ve just found out about the global League Pass and Team Pass options.

For anyone outside the USA, 30 teams playing 82 games in a regular season is insane and way too much so I reckon it’s best to focus on one team.

I’ve never been to the US and don’t know any Americans so I have no reason to follow any team. For some reason my instinct is telling me to follow the Cavs, Bucks or Pacers.

Any suggestions?

  • TheyCallMeTheWizardB
    10 months ago

    As a Thunder fan it’s hard to beat the Thunder.

    The org is run by Sam Presti so even when bad things happen we turn lemons into lemonade

    They also have historically had very charismatic personalities and exciting play.

    Even more so right now it’s exciting because of a young and very talented core and you’ll get to watch them develop and enjoy the storyline arc. And even when the players leave, an astounding amount have VERY successful careers after leaving and it’s gratifying

    Finally, we have more draft picks than anyone should know what to do with. Which essentially gives our GM a bunch of aces up his sleeve. You never know exactly what he’s going to do, which keeps it exciting and also ensures a healthy future for years to come

    Tbh, if I had to pick a team to be excited about in the last 30 years it would be between Kobe / Shaq, Warriors, or this one. And that’s strictly on excitement and looking forward to the future

    On top of that,