My partner and I will be moving to Barcelona for their job in a few months and there are a few things we’re worried about with the move. Primarily we have two dogs that we will be moving with us. Anyone know what it’s like finding an apartment to rent with multiple pets? We’re worried we will have a hard time finding a place with the dogs. Also, I’m concerned about finding work for myself there as we’re aware the local job market and economy isn’t great — we won’t need me to make an income but I’d prefer if I had a way to make money for myself still. I don’t speak Spanish (starting lessons) but I do have over a decade worth of teaching experience in yoga and other forms of fitness, wondering if it’s an option to pick up gig work in the industry easily so I’m not idle while we’re there.

Any tips or personal experiences shared are greatly appreciated.

  • Ball_Drogos_LadyOPB
    10 months ago

    We have been researching and his company is helping us move the dogs, however, we have to find our own place to live which is why I’m asking for advice as we are in the planning phase.