Hello! I’ve got myself some atmosphere gray AJ1 and Tightbooth SB dunks, which both feature suede (more so with the Tightbooths). I hear suede gets damaged by water, so is it a good idea to add something to waterproof them? I’ve heard there are certain sprays I can use, but does anyone know if they actually work or if it’s worth doing? Does the spray itself change the suede at all? And should I just spray the suede parts or all the leather on the shoe? Thanks for the help!
I’ve been sooo tempted to just buy them for whatever, but I’ve only seen like $200+ and I just can’t justify it 😂 Glad to help!! There’s a little chemical smell, but that’s hard to prevent completely. It’s the nature of the beast lol. But I don’t remember there being any lasting odor.