Is it just me noticing how strong he can be mid vs melee heroes like ember, mk etc. around the 4600 mark and even the enemy team was surprised, ez sustain in lane with his passive and nice damage output with his howl and ult, did not go for the zoo build just damage with harpoon , ac and bkb ( games lasted 24 minutes ) i am intrigued with this hero now so would appreciate some tips and tricks for the damage build and not zoo build. What counters to look out for etc.

P.S , fully aware not to judge a hero based on two games T_T

  • discomunkiOPB
    1 year ago

    Exactly what i am thinking too, i dont play with his wolves at all except when we got a window to push the lane and potentially claim a tower. other than that i just ult and run off the supports , 3 hits on most and they dead. There has to be a catch or he is played so little that people donno what to do when this happens