Do you think setting teracopy as the default copy paste tool is a smart idea? Even if it is not for large file transfers?

  • @Far_Marsupial6303B
    07 months ago

    Definitely. I’ve been using it almost exclusively for years for multi-TB transfers. The only time I use Windows Explorer is when I have small file transfers that I don’t really care about.

    Whatever you choose to use, be sure you verify and ideally keep a HASH of your transfers for a control.

    Always Copy, Never Move! There are those who say moving is okay within the same folder/drive, but odd things can happen even doing that!

    • @yParticleB
      07 months ago

      Always Copy, Never Move! There are those who say moving is okay within the same folder/drive, but odd things can happen even doing that!

      One example being incomplete copies. Now you have two folders neither of which is definitive and that can lead to problems if you’re not careful. You also can’t compare the two folders afterward to make sure you got a perfect xfer.