I know a few, me included, have saw a few spoilers under Show Spoilers or just Discussion posts on this sub from time to time. The comic readers own the sub, and rightly so, since this was the initial reason for it’s creation.

However, I’ve made a new subreddit free from all comic spoilers for those of us who’d like to discuss the best show out now. Come join us over at r/Invincible_TV and let the theories and discussions begin!

  • _KingDawg72_B
    10 months ago

    I’ve also seen show only fans in Comic Spoiler threads complaning about spoilers.

    Really? As a show only fan, those people definitely asked for it. That’s something I would NEVER do. And why would they visit comic spoiler threads if they haven’t read the comics?

    That’s like chopping off your own dick and being sad that you can penetrate a girl anymore.

    Like, what?!