Hoping to find some advice. I have a good business idea that is basically a mental health app supported with AI.
I’ve done the research, I’ve validated the idea and designed something which I think can be really good. However, my skills are in sales/marketing so I would like a technical co-founder to join me on this journey instead of looking to pay £££ for someone to develop the product without being invested for future development.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I’m just your average girl trying to break that (very low) glass ceiling and do her own thing 🙏

  • maga_ot_ozB
    10 months ago

    Speaking from experience here, if you haven’t already worked with tech people and have established good relationships with some it’ll be hard to find a good cofounder that you fit with. And one that’s actually engaged in the process. Have you worked with any tech people previously? Try reaching out to them as that’s going to be your best bet. It’s all about the chemistry with cofounders.

    Another option is to hire someone to build an MVP for you so at least you can show your product to people, get a better idea or make your chances of brining in a technical cofounder higher. And with an MVP the chances of you getting funding increases significantly. I run a dev/design shop that’s helping founders with this problem specifically since I’ve noticed that people who haven’t been in tech struggle with this problem. If you have questions I’d be happy to answer them. Also I’m running a short survey that’s going to take you 1 minute to fill out (closed questions only), it’d mean a lot to me if you filled it out so that I learn what your pains are better, here’s the link to it - https://tally.so/r/mZ2JRa