Just completed Firewatch and holy cannoli what a rollercoaster. I went into it blind besides always seeing its high praise and it did not disappoint. Completed in one sitting too, very easy to get absorbed into it for a few hours. Highly recommended.

My question is - are there any third person games that are similar to this? I want to run around the forest and explore mysteries but with a third person POV.

Valheim kind of scratches the itch as far as running around a forest goes but something that takes place in a little more modern times preferred, and something more focused on exploration rather than combat. I don’t mind combat but I’d like it to be somewhat minimal if possible, I’m also open survival if that helps any suggestions.


    10 months ago

    One more vote for What Remains of Edith Fintch.


    • Vanishing of Ethan Carter
    • Delivery us the Moon
    • Everybody gone to Rapture
    • Call of the Sea
    • Observation (this is a bit unconventional gameplay wise, but worths it)
    • Soma
    • Moons of Madness
    • The forgotten City

    All good on their own, but if you have to pick from the list above, you cannot go wrong with What Remains of Edith Fintch, Soma, Forgotten City