Since Valve is either not capable of fixing it or just doesnt give enough shit about it, Report every single person in every match for everything. Downvote everyone after the match.
If we break this fucked up system they have to fix it…
So flood the shit Overwatch with millions of reports and get everyone down to 0 BS…
Maybe someone will finally see it as the long needed wakeup call.
Valve forgot this game , ordinarily every week an update ( sessional treasures, new sets and etc) But this year was just one update “frontiers” . No hope from this valve -collector cache untill now u can buy them , valve doesn’t have time to remove them.
Y’all are forgetting a lot of updates. Universal heroes. New armory. The graphics enhancement. Etc.
Yes they push out shitty new contant but ignore the issues like smurfs, fucked up MM or the shitshow BS…