Explanation - invariably I will read a fantastic book, beautifully written with a sweeping or moving story that is profoundly impactful…and some amateur reviewer will have written, “That book is so boring! Blah, blah, blah, nothing exciting ever happens!” 🙄

When I read these, I often pause to try to imagine what sort of book those reviewers WOULD like, lol. No doubt its probably an elitist, pompous exercise…but its fun imagining for a moment a book filled with non-stop, over the top action, gory or imaginative deaths by the dozens, torrid romantic liasons, CIA and KGB and SS agents around every corner, etc. Ive been tempted to write that book, tongue in cheek, just so those reviewers would have something to be happy about.

Then I thought…maybe someone has already done this? Intentionally written a book so egregiously over-the-top that even those action-aholics might be tempted to say, “too fast, and too much excitement…” in their reviews?

  • aging-gracefulOPB
    10 months ago

    Well that doesn’t bode well for my wife’s and my streaming future - we just started the streaming series of “Wheel of Time” and enjoyed the first season, and just started season two. I wonder if it will somehow inject some of that craziness into the tv series??

    • PentaOwlB
      10 months ago

      They tightened up a lot for the TV show. It’s a tough job to fit 1200+ pages into one season, so they take some liberties in world building and lore to adapt it for new viewers on a different medium.

      Personally I like WoT a lot (slog and all), both the books and the tv show in its own way. I hope you and your wife will enjoy!