I know how this sounds. Sorry if it’s a stupid question. I built a small little site in my hometown for kids in highschool. It’s got a good amount of users and I can see it growing. The only problem is I don’t really care. I’m about to graduate highschool and I want to do more ambitious things during college. I don’t want this project I don’t care about to take away my ability to focus on things I do care about. At the same time, it’s hard coming up with good ideas and I might have an opportunity to practice making something big out of a side project.

What should I do?

  • structured_obscurityB
    10 months ago

    I mean… I dont know what kind of traction youre getting or what your situation is… But if you really dont want to operate the project anymore, you should consider

    A) selling -> Ive sold sites for as little as 5k usd - if the project is interesting, you can find a buyer

    B) “hiring” an operator -> give someone 50% of “equity” or whatever you are using to measure ownership and they run and operate the project and you check in once a month.

    IMO if you’re not excited about a thing, you’re probably not going to put in the insane amounts of time and energy it typically takes to scale a thing into the next level thing… Might as well work on something that excites you.