Greetings all

I recently got into the NBA about 6 months ago but have been struggling to pick a team

After some thought and deliberation, I have developed an affinity towards the Clippers

Reasons including: I’m fond towards the state of California, love the highlights of the lob city clippers, I’m a big fan of kawhi too.

Anyways, I was hoping this sub could provide an insight into what I’m getting myself into, any details about the Clips’ I should know, and what the future beholds.

Thank you :)

  • RyujiDrillB
    10 months ago

    You’ll be fine. With each season you’ll get angry at times seeing the same mistakes and poor ideas but what I like about this team is the ability to be aware of those faults and to try and fix them. If nothing else Clipper Nation despite all the splits tends to be more hopeful than other fanbases despite what you see online. Nice community work as well and it’s cool to have an international fanbase and not just one that exists because of past glories.