After watching GMF I noticed something that bothered me, Kyle Brandt was saying how he’s buying his son a CJ Stroud jersey for Christmas is this normal in America ? My Son’s will have no choice Aston Villa (Soccer) and Jacksonville Jaguars that’s their teams 😂

So what I’m asking is would you buy your son a Ravens jersey and be cool with it ?

  • ArticPenguin01B
    10 months ago

    Hell no. I support my team, and my team only. I wonder never wear another teams Jersey.

    If my son’s team was the Texans, I would probably wonder where I went wrong, but if he liked them I would buy it for him. I just wouldn’t buy it because they had a good player on team. I dont want my son to be no fair-weather fan.

    • alexwgalbraithB
      10 months ago

      My dad’s from Chicago and a Bears fan. We were a Bears household until Jax got the team. He took me to quite a few games in those early years and acted shocked when the Bears played in Jax and I rolled up in my MJD jersey. Got to pull the “I learned from watching you, Dad” haha. Gotta let your kids like what they like