For context I am a Steelers fan who grew up in Baltimore. And I started actually paying attention to football at age 12ish, so roughly 17 years.

In those years I’ve obviously had non-stop banter with ravens fans year after year and with rarely an issue. There has probably been less than 5 occasions where I would classify someone’s actions as disrespectful, and only a single instance where something became actually physical. And this is while being surrounded by them 24/7.

Now for the Bengals, I’ve always had issue more with the team then the fans. Specifically the Burfict and Marvin Lewis years. But the Bengals fans I do know are generally cool and good spirited. I’ve never had a single issue with a Bengals fan but they are also much less frequent in my area.

And lastly the Browns. Why the fuck are Browns fans so insufferable. I have one I work with, and a few others I know through mutual friends. And during football season they are all just obnoxious. Like I can’t even be around them, and flat out refuse to watch a game with them.

I used to feel bad for the fans because it is not a very productive franchise in terms of the post season and they’ve never even smelled a super bowl, but now I’ve realized they deserve it. I thought maybe I just knew some of the more obnoxious fans but after seeing their subreddit and then meeting more in person, it seems like they are all like that. They are the definition of “people in glass houses”.

Just to cap this off, let’s address some of their dumbass talking points that are milked to death at this point.

-“Yes, past performance does matter. Ravens and Steelers have won multiple super bowls and the Bengals have actually made it there.”

-“Yes, Myles Garrett is an excellent defensive player. AND, he is also a piece of shit that attacked a player with a helmet and then tried to disgracefully play the race card to save face.”

-“Yes, TJ Watt is the best defensive player in the game. Not just because of sacks, and you can shut the fuck up about the double team stuff. It’s because of all around Impact. Forced fumbles, interceptions, dropping into coverage.” (This one may be personal opinion, but I don’t care at this point)

-“Yes the Steelers are having a tough time right now offensively and it is almost embarrassing as a Steelers fan currently, but we still traded matches this year. And the win you had over us was by a field goal. Stop acting like you destroyed us and stomped us out or something.”

These are just a few. But if the Browns fans could grasp at least one of these, maybe the division could look at them like a little brother and root for them to finally get theirs. Instead of having everyone groan under their breath at them like that loud, rude, and obnoxious cousin showing up to Thanksgiving empty handed.

Thus concludes my rant.

  • batdrummanB
    10 months ago

    Lmao I grew up in Akron, that’s not a good thing