Woof woof y’all!

Is anyone Dutch or speaks Dutch and would be able to spell out what the Dutchman was saying on the phone before >!Rebecca falls into the water!!daughter!< maybe?

What does he say when he sees Rebecca and what does he actually say to whoever’s on the other line before >!he throws away his cell!

  • violetsarenotsoblueOPB
    10 months ago

    i appreciate you for speaking to this!! wow, i would have never guessed, honestly! i thought whenever it gets cold the water must be freezing and so would anyone in the bottom of a small boat. what about runnig water and hot water if you don’t mind me asking? and electricity? heating? and, you know, bathroom waste disposal? i imagine you’re not plugged into an outlet + a waterpipe… or wait - are you? it’s fascinating to imagine living like that!