I don’t even care that the slow only works when they’re half HP, the potential permaslow was kinda broken and that’s a good change (on top of AH being generally lower across all items). However, I just don’t see why they’re turning the item into a Lethality item? It just makes AD casters who don’t really on crits or Lethality much worse against tanks since their armor pen options are just very underwhelming.

Then again, I’m probably very biased because I play Ezreal, but dealing with tanks is going to be quite harder because of that change.

  • KorrvoB
    1 year ago

    As an ezreal player I’m absolutely for these changes, but I find the most success with a crit related navori build than I do the typical trinity force build anyway. I also don’t think permanent slows are good for the game outside of exceptions like ashe where her entire kit is based around it. For someone who can play as ridiculously safe as ezreal, I don’t think he should have access to it.

    Also random rant but I’m not sure what it is about ezreal players (I guess adc players in general) and constantly picking the lower damage options. I was a trinity force ezreal player back when frostfire gauntlet was the meta on him and it just felt so much better to just do more damage. Why not just kill people before they kill you and your team??? WHY MUST YOU GO GALEFORCE RAPIDFIRE CANNON CAITLYN? wait what sorry